Tuesday 8 March 2011

Chapter two: Summary and new informations about the community


The second chapter of the book "The Giver" by Lois Lowry is about the talk of Jonas with his parents.
After the parents want to talk with Jonas about the Ceremony of Twelve without his younger sister Lily in the first chapter, the father narrates about the time when he was eleven. He explains that he has guess what his Assignmentwould be, because he had spent his freetime in the Nurturing Center.
The parents appease Jonas´  fear of the Ceremony of Twelve as they tell him that the most people are pleased with their Assignement and if not there is an appeal process.
On the other side the motheer warns him that he gets adult after twelve and has no freetime and an other group of friends because of the training. Jonas doesn`t want this and can`t figure his Assignment.

New information about the community in this chapter:
A One --> burn in the last year (normaly 50 children)
A One Ceremony--> at December, noisy and fun, children gets their names
              name list--> secret until a One Ceremony, makes by the commitee in the office Nurturing Center
A One to a Eight -->comfort object ( soft stuffed imaginary creatures)
A Nine -->gets bycicle and removes hair robbons
Before Ceremony of Twelve --> Elders watching at elevens
Ceremony of Twelve --> gets Assignement
                                 --> gets adult
                                 --> most important ceremony
After Ceremony of Twelve --> training for Assignement and school
                                         --> new group and friends
                                         --> no freetime
                                         --> nearly no games
                                         --> the age is not longer important ( if xou want to know it you can go in the Hall                                                  of open Records

Assignment ---> secret selection, made by leader of the Community --> Committee of Elders

Rules --->  very hard to change
                  very important rules --> the receiver for decision ( the receiver -> most important leader)
                  few rulesare taken very seriously


  1. Your summary is brief and contains all the important facts of chapter 2 I guess. I like your list of the rules in the community, you mentioned everything, made it clear what are the rules said some effects of them.
    I think you made a good job. :)

  2. Thank you for your comments:D
